Saturday 13 October 2012

Work Experience.. Take 3!

Third time doing my work experience has come and gone! So, This week, I did mostly the same stuff as last week but, Hey! I'm not complaining! I like it! I organised the Teen Section( which is my favourite section in the library) and the Travel Section(my second favourite section in the library along with the Irish History Section!) Then I had break, which was quite lonely because the other two girls that usually do their work exp. on a Wednesday weren't in! But it was okay all the same! After my break I then finished off the Travel Section and started on The Arts and Recreation Section, which was actually really fun ! I found out there is more to pottery sculpting then I thought! After doing all that I had my lunch. I went to McDonald's. It was funny though because I was sitting their all alone and all the Students from the local secondary school were coming in for their lunch too and they were looking at me as if to say why are you by yourself? It was all very awkward, so I wolfed down my Big Mac and made a dash for SuperQuinn where I got a jam doughnut!(Whoop!) Then I was back to work! I decided to tackle to The Music Section, where you went from Mozart to Lady GaGa all in one shelf. But what frightened me most about this section was that I counted over 17 books on Bono( weird much?) After my ordeal ;) in the Music Section it was time to call it a day and I went home:D
I think's that's it if not then oh well! :D
Over and Out!

Friday 5 October 2012

Another Week at Work Experience!

Well, It was my second week of work experience this week and it was just as good as last week! Firstly, I put all the books on the trolley away(in alphabetical order of course) and then started to fix up the Junior Fiction section, which is a mighty task because them books can be pretty messed up. Then I had break ! After break, I went back to my Junior Fiction section and sorted the rest of the way through ! it took me until lunch time to do that! At lunch I went to McDonald's(hooray!) and then went into Superquinn and got my myself an iced jam doughnut(it was so good!) then I went back to work. I started off on the Junior Fact Books which I can say was a bit of a disaster zone ! Each book has a special code and I had to put them in order but they were all mixed up ! So, some of the 997.456 books were jumbled up with the 124.214 books ! It was a difficult job to sort through but I got there in the end (mostly!) Well, I suppose that's it!
Over and Out!