Wednesday 26 September 2012

Week One of Work Experience.

So, this week I started my work experience. I was really nervous but excited. The day started out not so good as I had to wait for nearly twenty minutes for the bus and it was lashing out ! But soon improved when I arrived at the Library. I began my working day by signing in and then learning some safety stuff ( in-case of fires and whatnot). Much to my surprise I discovered that two other girls had work experience on the same day as me! Even though we were from different schools we got on really well. My first task was clear a trolley of books. It was very different from the tasks that I usually perform in school. Next up I had to organise some books.Doing this was quite difficult at first as you had to put then into the other of all the different numbers written on the side but soon enough I got into the swing of things. Then we had a half hour break. When I returned I continued on with the shelving. Then  I had lunch! After lunch we did even more shelving! But this time in the kids section which I really enjoyed! 

Well that's it (I think), Over and Out!